Kamis, 13 November 2014

Royal Fibreglass Water Slide

Royal Fibreglass Water Slide

Royal Fibreglass Water Slide is a type of slide designed for warm-weather or indoor recreational use at water parks. Water slides differ in their riding method and therefore size. Some slides require riders to sit directly on the slide, or on a raft or tube designed to be used with the slide.
A typical water slide uses a pump system to pump water to the top which is then allowed to freely flow down its surface. The water reduces friction so sliders travel down the slide very quickly. Water slides are run into a swimming pool (often called a plunge pool) or a long run-out chute.
Each Royal Fibreglass Water Slides is custom engineered to factor in all a customer’s application requirement and performance variables. Provide us with your specification requirement and detail service conditions, our engineering team would design and fabricate an optimized and the most beautiful FRP Water Slides for your amazing water park.

Royal Fibreglass Water Slide are designed and qualified according to the major international standard, such as ASTM,AWWA, API, ASME RTP-1,BS, JIS, DIN, ANSI.


Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

FRP Hand Layout Product

FRP Hand Layout Product


Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

FRP Cable Tray, Gutter & Roof Lights

FRP Cable Tray, Gutter & Roof Lights


Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

Royal TECH Water Filter™

Royal TECH Water Filter™

Royal TECH Water Filter™
Royal TECH Water Filter™ has simple handled operation, cause it is equipped with regular common valves, that can be functioned for both MANUAL or AUTOMATIC operations, Backwash and Rinsing.
THE OPERATION means filtration process by flowing the water to the distributor at the top of the filter, then it is flowing down through filtering substances, resulting the dirts remains at the top of the filtering substances. As the output, clean water will be flowing out through the outgoing pipe to be distribute as needs.
BACKWASH means to clean The filtering substances form dirts that remain, by turning backward the water flow, resulting the dirts flows through the exhaust pipe.
RINSING means to wash filter from residues at the bottom of the filter, appeared as backwash product


Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

Royal Fibreglass Reverse Osmosis Drinking System

Royal Fibreglass Reverse Osmosis Drinking System

Royal Fibreglass Reverse Osmosis Drinking System

Proses Reverse Osmosis menggunakan membrane semi-permabel untuk memisahkan zat padat yang terlarut dalam air, sehingga memudahkan anda untuk mendapatkan air yang lebih bersih dan sehat.Sumber Air yang digunakan harus memenuhi standar air bersih / kesehatan dan bebas dari bakteri yang berbahaya


Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

Waste Water Treatment Plant Sytem ( WTP ) / STP Extended

Waste Water Treatment Plant System (WTP)

Waste Water Treatment Plant System (WTP)
Suatu proses mengolah limbah cair menjadi air bersih yang memenuhi standard yang telah ditentukan.
Dalam hal ini ada beberapa macam system pengolahan limbah yang digunakan. Pemilihan nya sangat tergantung pada kualitas influent air limbah yang akan diolah, standard keluaran effluent air limbah sesuai peraturan yang berlaku, keterbatasan biaya yang disediakan, ataupun kuantitas yang diperlukan.
Air limbah komersial / domestik relatif rendah kadar pencemarannya, sehingga instalasi pengolahannya sering diberikan dalam bentuk terpadu ( Package System ). Sedang pada air limbah industri kadar pencemaran umumnya lebih tinggi, sehingga penanganannya harus dilakukan secara khusus.
Jenis Limbah :
  • Limbah Cair Domestik Setempat ( STP )
  • Limbah Cair Industri ( WWTP )
Jenis Pelayanan :
  • Turn – key System meliputi : Survey, Desain,
  • Instalasi, Pengoperasian & Training Operator
  • Pelaksana, maintenance kontrak
  • Perbaikan dan Up-grading system terpasang
Aplikasi :
  • Hospital
  • Commercial Building
  • Apartment & Hotel Building
  • Food & Beverages Industry
  • Shopping Center

Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com

FRP Lining / Pelapisan

FRP Lining
FRP lining provides the best corrosion  resistant, protection and good adhesion with base material that enhance effective life of the equipments.FRP lining also provides well protection against leak caused by corrosion & abrasive.
FRP Lining ussualy used for chemical industry, chemical storage / processing tanks, power plant, waste water treatment, mining industry and etc, whatever it is, steel equipments or concrete base.
Advantages & Benefit :
  • Low cost
  • Excellent corrosion resistance to various chemicals & gases.
  • Very small vapor permeability.
  • Long life resistant
  • Excellent adhesion strength both to concrete & steel
  • High mechanical strength
  • Hard & smooth surface
  • Simple & fast to apply
  • Immersion liquid temperature up to 121˚C
  • Excellent corrosion resistant to strong acid & moderate to high alkali.
Applications :
  • Lining on chemical storage / processing tanks
  • Lining on steel media
  • Lining on chemicals pond
  • Lining on Steel Tank/Stainless
  • Lining on Industrial Plant Floor
  • Lining on Chemical Trench

Maksum ( Marketing )
Telp. 02187786466
Hp .  081808521361
Fax . 02187786467
E-mail.  : salesenginer.rcs@gmail.com